Property Location: 21 Janney Road, Dayton, Ohio

21 Janney Road is a 45,000 square foot building that previously only had drive-in doors, limiting leasing options to users without dock requirements. The site also faced circulation challenges due to its small boundaries relative to the building’s size. However, it boasted several positive attributes, including high ceilings, favorable column spacing, and easy access to Interstate 75.

Recognizing this opportunity, Midwest Properties approached an existing tenant seeking a larger facility due to an impending lease expiration. Although the location was ideal, the site’s functionality did not align with the tenant’s business model. Instead of moving on, we aimed to resolve the challenges to make the property a viable option.

Leveraging our expertise, we assembled multiple adjacent properties to create sufficient space for outdoor storage, established a relationship with a neighboring property owner to generate an easement, and created multiple points of access to improve circulation for delivery trucks. We also installed a dock door, enabling regular deliveries.

Additionally, the building underwent a complete renovation, including a new office buildout, interior and exterior painting, LED lighting installation, and polished warehouse floors. Ultimately, we successfully addressed our tenant’s needs and executed a 10-year lease. 21 Janney now serves as the second location for this tenant, and we continue to explore additional expansion opportunities in other markets together.

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